Establish a Regular Maintenance Schedule: Create a regular maintenance schedule for your property. This will allow you to plan upkeep and maintenance of the property in advance, and avoid last-minute emergencies.
Check installations regularly: Regularly check installations such as plumbing, electricity and air conditioning to avoid malfunctions. If necessary, call a professional to make repairs.Keep common areas clean: Make sure common areas such as hallways, stairways, and lobbies are clean and well-maintained. This can help improve the first impression of your property. Avoid Damp Problems: Damp can cause significant damage to your property. Make sure ventilation is adequate and water leaks are repaired quickly. Do regular renovations: Regular renovations can help maintain the quality of your property. Keep in mind that major renovations may require some planning and may require an increase in rental rates. Follow local regulations: Be sure to follow local regulations when it comes to the upkeep and maintenance of your property. This may include regular inspections or required certifications for equipment such as fire systems. Be prepared to respond to tenant requests: Keep an open line of communication with your tenants and be prepared to respond quickly to their requests. This may include minor repairs or inquiries about the property.
Mentions Légales
Company name: BECKOUET Jérémi
165 impasse Man Dodo
Quartier Eudorçait
97230 Sainte Marie - Martinique
SIRET identifier: 880 702 667 00036
Société immatriculée au
Trade and Companies Register
Professional liability insurance: HISCOX
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